The Grizzly Bears played at Falconer yesterday. They really kicked it! Their perfect voices as well as the experimental tunes. Everything. The warm up band was the Villagers who were really good as well. Here are some pictures from the night. Asta
Monday, October 29, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Music: Grizzly Bears - Ready, Able
Top - monk, jeans - samsøe samsøe, jacket - american apperal, heels - franco sarto, sunglasses - H&M, bag and accessories are unknown.
Later today I'm going to a concert in Falconer Salen where Grizzly Bears are playing. Today is one of the most busy days, evaaarhhhh. Well, I have to do my job and a biology paper, as well prepare for English and French presentation. Are you coming? I am so so so excited since it's my first "real" concert. Singers in tivoli, Johnny Madsen and choir concerts don't count, haha. Sorry for looking so awkward in the video, but I hope you guys enjoyed :o)))
See you soon,
Saturday, October 27, 2012
You need:
Denim jacket
Needle and sowing thread
piece of denim in the size of the jackets back (get it?) and how long you want it. I used another denim jackets sleeve and made that one into a vest.
First start by cutting the piece of denim to the wanted size (take a little more just in case).
Then sow the denim on where the jacket originally got sowed together.
Cut the denim you just sewed on. Start by cutting the denim half up in pieces that are 1/2 inch wide. Does this make sense?
Rip the half cut pieces up to the top, but not all the way or it will get ruined.
There you go! You just got a Lana Del Ray inspired denim jacket!
Friday, October 19, 2012
I'm in the park with my mama. This is how I look, very simple and fall'ish.
Cashmere sweater - magaschoni, blazer - calvin klein, jacket - bomboogie, skirt - h&m, shoes - cashott Copenhagen. // Asta //
Cashmere sweater - magaschoni, blazer - calvin klein, jacket - bomboogie, skirt - h&m, shoes - cashott Copenhagen. // Asta //
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Maja is deffinetly one of my favorite bloggers. She has a great sense of style and the perfect wardrobe. Want to see more of Maja? Here is her blog.

I love Hannahs blog because she manages to make simple yet interesting outfits. She makes awesome DIYs. This is Hannah's blog.

Christina. The DIY-master. Her DIYs are fun and easy. Really, her blog is awesome. And she has a lot of giveaways.

Another one of my faves, would be Sille's blog "Sillewho". She is so cool. I love reading her down to earth posts about what she's up to.
I hope you guys will enjoy :))
JOKE by astaambro featuring scoop neck tops
A colorful basic t-shirt
A balenciaga bracelet
Silk/ lace shorts
Something from Acne (SHOES SHOES SHOES)
A basic yet different t-shirt
Real leather pants
Quality shopper
High end ballerinas
And not shopping weird high street trends.
Love Asta
Today has been a lazy day. I've been in bed with my computer, I've made musli, veggie smoothies, fruit smoothies. Now that I've put it on a list it seems like a lot, but no.. So I was really bored and I thought about my future, then about new years resolutions and then it was about what I had to have in the end of 2013. Very materialistic, yes. And I came up with:
A colorful basic t-shirt
A balenciaga bracelet
Silk/ lace shorts
Something from Acne (SHOES SHOES SHOES)
A basic yet different t-shirt
Real leather pants
Quality shopper
High end ballerinas
And not shopping weird high street trends.
Love Asta
Helmut Lang,
The Row,
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Pass me that spliff. I don't know what to say. Okay, I do. This blog is the best! It's Effy! I really love Effy. I can relate to her. I feel like I know her and these pictures from the blog are absolutely great!
This tumblr is awesome.
That's it for today. Those two are my favorite tumblrs. Can you recommend any? By the way today I have been doing absolutely nothing, except watching skins on "project free tv". By the way, great website. A lot of movies and tv shows for free. // Asta //
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Outfit of the day:
New shirt - H&M, jeans - cheap monday.
I am right about to leave the house to meet with my grandmother. Haha, she has asked me to go in the woods with her dog. With this outfit I'm wearing my cashmere sweater from magaschoni, I think it's called, and my boots from... damn I can't remember but look down the page and you'll find them. See you. By the way you can follow me on instagram: Astapastaa. What is your instagram? // Asta //
Monday, October 15, 2012
dream room
This is what my dream room looks like. Minimalistic, cozy, functional. Yes please! The white eames chair with wooden legs is pretty amazing, huh? Well, what do you think? // Asta //
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Get fit
Health is a big part of my life, and so is exercise. At the moment I am not signed up for any sport, but I do exercise. Here are some links of good websites if you want to get fit:
Elle has great work-out ideas.
This is my favorite fitness video. It works out your thighs very well I could already see results after a week, daaaaaymmmn.
Working out the chest is something a lot of people forget. This video is really helpful and gives good results.
Abs, abs, abs. Who doesn't want abs? It looks hot. I hope to get abs some day. This workout video is my favorite abs workout video.
Bye, see you <333
Monday, October 8, 2012
Sweater - Magaschoni, pants - H&M, jacket - bomboogie, shoes - cahshott copenhagen, gloves - H&M
This is my outfit from yesterday. I have been sick since friday, but yesterday afternoon I felt much better. This outfit is very me, and very fall-ish. I love the relaxed look with the loose pants, boots and warm sweater. By the eay the oants are new and from H&M. I love the details they have on the pockets. What do you think of this outfit? // Asta //
Hej alle sammen!
Nu får i den også på dansk. Det her var hvad jeg havde på igår. Meget afslappet fordi jeg var syg, men meget mig. Bukserne er nye og fra H&M. De er super rare at have på og der er små detaljer ved lommerne som jeg elsker. Nå men, hvad synes I?
Knus Asta
Saturday, October 6, 2012
10 wishes:
1. Chanel quilted earrings. They look so cute and would give charm to any outfit.
2. Neon belt from I've been looking for a belt like this for so long, but everywhere I go they're like 100 bucks. Help!
3. Chealsie boots from Kurt Geiger. I love Chealsie boots. Thats it.
4. Shopper from The Row. Simple leather shoppers is what I'm craving right now. A bag that can fit all my shit.
5. Lancôme La Vie Est Belle. The bottle is kind of grandma'ish but the smell is absolutely great!
6. Sweater from Surface to Air. A beautiful warm sweater is what I need. This one is perfect in my eyes. It's simple, but not boring.
7. Nike roshe sneakers. Daaaamn, these sneaks are so beautiful. For the first time I saw them I was in love. Of course they're sold out, almost everywhere here in Copenhagen. My luck...
8. Hartsfield weekend bag. Perfect for school, sleepovers and an extended weekend. It's simple and very me.
9. Ethnic blazer from ETRO. This blazer has been on my mind for ..... well a long time. Unfortunately its a bit out of my price range (over 1000 pounds!!!).
10. Sexy lace shorts from unknown brand. I nice pair of lace shorts in either silk or light cotton paired with a big cozy sweater and warm boots, thats fall. Really these shorts are definitely my biggest wish clothing wise.
Good luck.
See you
New shoes:
Evertime I get new shoes I hear this song in my head. These babies are absolutely gorgeous. At first I didn't know it was Jeffery Cambell shoes, but then I began to take some shots of them and what does it say on the box? "Jeffery Cambell". New shoes you rule you rule new shoes! // Asta //
Friday, October 5, 2012

Cara, oh Cara! Cara Delevigne is all over. Blogs, instagram, tumblrs, magazines. Well, she is just beautiful. There are rumors that Harry from One Direction is dating her. // Asta //
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