Monday, November 5, 2012


bye guys. this is it for now

i guess blogging is too... I don't know... superficial. i don't like writing about random things without matter. or I guess I do, but I'm not giving you my best. and I'm the type that either does it all the way or... yeah.. doesn't do it. So thank you for all (sounding all pro n stuff), but bye.

Friday, November 2, 2012

help me girls, I'm no fashionista


HELP by astaambro featuring cheap monday

Hey girls ...

I bet you said "did you know... that...uhm " Well, there's no surprise in me not being a fashionista, but I got my salary for both of my jobs and ... yeah I wanna blow them off on something. Instead of just going to cafés (as I usually do) I want to buy something I really need and want. For example the balengiaga bracelet is absolutely gorgeous, god dammit, but so are the airmax and unfortunately I can't afford both. So I have to choose. There are two plans... Its really a dilemma for me, aha. I need a fashionistas point of view on this.

Plan 1:
Balenciaga bracelet
Nike Blazer low
H&M printed jeans

Plan 2:
Nike airmax
H&M printed jeans
Cheap monday lace top
twisted ring from ebay
Cheap monday bracelet
Extra money + silly stuff xD

So, please help me! I need you.

See you soon.

Ps. I am so so sorry for not blogging very often. We have had so many assignments and I said to my self "Oh Asta, you can just blog tomorrow". And that tomorrow was today.